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Articles and Interviews

Maister Remains A 'Trusted Advisor'

by Editors at IPA 2005

“Maister Remains A ‘Trusted Advisor’ (Who Minces No Words About Firms’ Faults)”, from Inside Public Accounting (July 2005). Reprinted with permission. To subscribe, visit

He sputters. He snorts. He spits. He spouts. His curses could take the paint off a truck, despite his sincere English-accented apologies.

Yet nobody else commands the attention or the respect among managing partners and other senior accounting firm executives that David Maister does. For $18,000 a day, the Boston-based consultant, author and former Harvard Business School professor will come to your firm and tell you the same brutal truths that plenty of people who work for your firm would love to tell you, only you’d fire them if they did: You’re not a leader. You’re not even much of a manager. You don’t have a clue about inspiring anyone, much less about how to get rich.

Afterward, you’ll feel so enlightened. You really will. Somehow, Maister manages to pull it off without seeming insulting and without leaving anyone with the impression that he’s a jerk — at least, no bigger a jerk than any other consultant or some accounting firm executives. The guy just knows what he’s talking about, and he’s not afraid to tell you what your problem is in the most ruthless terms possible. Hooray for his chutzpah, you’ll think. You’ll actually thank him.

The Association For Accounting Administration (AAA) brought Maister to its national symposium in June in Phoenix to tell its members the same things he preaches to accounting firm partners (who happen to be the same people that AAA members work for). Following are some noteworthy things he told AAA members: