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“My boss follows the "True Professional" through his heart and soul and has bought a copy for every attorney in our office.... ”
“My expectations were exceeded! David was passionate, enthusiastic, incredibly knowledgable and BLUNT! Bloody honest and I loved it. There is no room for half truths and nice talk. We paid for the truth and got it. My time is valuable and I believe this seminar was time and money well spent. ” – Iris Jones
Client Services Advisor, Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP
David: I just finished your NYC seminar. You were profane, at times insulting and I enjoyed every minute of it! Your approach and the simplicity of the message made it home, and you are absolutely correct that "all" we need do now is have the guts to change!...Thanks for your insight, and good luck with not smoking -- you can do it, pigeon” – Mark P. Harbison
“David Maister is among the world's leading Management thinkers and in his on field of professional services he is the undisputed leader” – CA Magazine, UK, December 2005
“...energetic, good interaction with delegates, dynamic speaker, and an
eye-opener.” – Diederik Slob FOCUS Conferences Netherlands,
“The professional service firm is the best model for tomorrow's organization in any industry .When it comes to understanding these firms, David Maister has no peers. I am thrilled to see his work collected in one place.” – Tom Peters
Author/Co-Author, “In Search of Excellence”
“Nobody else commands the attention or the respect among managing partners and other senior accounting firm executives that David Maister does.” – Inside Public accounting, July 2005
“In my quest to figure out the "we've made it, now what" — how to increase profits and continue to retain my key personnel, your research and materials have provided me with an invaluable framework...” – Michele Bourdon
“Wonderfully provocative and engaging. Some partners have done more good things for their clients in the two days after your presentation than in many preceding months.
” – Veronica Blum, McCarter & English,
“...Since reading your book, "True
Professionalism", a couple years ago, I was extremely impressed and now that I have the power to fully carry out my style of practice and relationship with clients, I am re-reading and re-implementing much of what you suggest.
” – Thomas H. Bergman
“What a wonderful website! This is so helpful for management students.
I work in a health systems management program and I highly recommend your site for our students...” –
“...I look forward, with some anticipation, to bringing your message to my partners, some of whom want to continue to do the things that have never worked. Your presentation will help me move my partners into a better direction.” – Bruce Kamplain
“I just wanted to express my heartfelt thanks for your clear and insightful work "Managing the Professional Services Firm". I have worked for the last 25 years for professional service organizations including both accounting and consulting firms and the insight you provided was invaluable.”